Souls Are Connected

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One of the things that I enjoy is to give messages at a messages circle. I appreciate how people open their homes to the spirits, to those who are grieving and to me by hosting this circle. During a message circle a woman asked me if I saw the spirit of a baby. As I stared deeply into the spirit world I did not see a baby. I asked the spirit of her grandmother where the miscarried baby was. The answer she gave me was no surprise. I have been asked that question many times before, and the answer is usually the same. I was told that after her miscarriage she became pregnant again. I asked if this was true, and the woman verified that it was. Her grandmother went on to tell me that about eleven months later her granddaughter became pregnant again. Her grandmother continued to explain that the soul of the lost pregnancy returned in the next child.The soul has a divine path, or karma with the parents. If something goes wrong with the fetus the soul can choose to leave. This choice depends on whether or not this child needs the experience of a life with a disability. If it does not, then it will wait for a healthy fetus to be born.

Another woman once asked me about her baby who had died at birth. Her child came through right away. The spirit of the child told me he was with the angels and would see her one day when she entered Heaven. This soul did not want the hardships of Earth. He would guide his mother from the other side instead.

While on Earth we have a journey. Throughout this journey we have relationships with many different people during our lives. Some may seem awesome and others unpleasant. What is important is that the lessons empower our soul and the souls of those around us. I truly believe that before we are born we pick our story and the characters that we are to interact with. Our parents, our children, our partners and our friends are all part of a divine plan. There is a sacred map that has many twists and turns. It is our choice to either want to walk a straight line or to take detours. Either choice will lead to the same spot. The only difference is that some roads are more difficult than others. I know I needed the road with all the rocks and obstacles. Maybe the hard climb instilled the lesson deeper inside my soul.

Gail, who miscarried six times, gave up her dream to be a biological mother. After three years of grieving Gail and her husband decided to adopt. A little girl was just put into the system. She was three years old and was born the same month of Gail’s last miscarriage. She had flaming red hair just like Gail. No one would ever know that she was not Gail’s birth child.

Souls are connected. We must keep our faith and be open to all possibilities.