Heaven Is a Place of Love Not Judgment.

pexels-photo-2397361Through the years of working as a medium, I have sat with many parents who have experienced the death of a child because of suicide. In my new book, Healing the Heart of Grief, the spirit of a young man shared his story after death. Here is an excerpt from his story.

When he arrived in Heaven, he was greeted with love, but there was a sense of disappointment. His angels told him that before he was born, he had agreed to meet all his challenges and had promised to overcome his misfortunes. Before birth he had agreed to face a difficult life so his soul could grow. Instead of honoring his pre-life commitment, he could only see himself as a victim, ending his life before he understood his lessons. This was discussed without any judgment, just facts. He pulled his mother’s soul down because of the way he ended his life. If his mother could find a way to pull herself up and find the triumph in their lives together, he would not have to add her karma to his own. He asked me to beg his mother to please help him to move on. I repeated his words as he pleaded, “Don’t take on the guilt that you had no control over. You can’t understand what it was like for me to get through each day. Please forgive me and be happy that I am not in pain any longer.”

Suicide May End a Life, but Underneath Is a Soul Who Longs to Go home.

I am very excited to announce that my new book Healing the Heart of Grief, Stories of Hope from the Afterlife, will be released this fall. Here is an excerpt from my book:

Dan worked as a teacher but, through the years, his passion for teaching had ebbed. Since his wife worked in the evenings, Dan had fulfilled his duties as a father by cooking dinner and helping Britney with her homework. He then withdrew into the basement.

Dan explained that, as the years went by, his depression became worse and, while it became harder to hide it, he refused to go for help. The idea of sharing his thoughts with someone was even more painful than the depression. He told Britney that after she left for college, his behavior became so difficult for her mother the marriage deteriorated quickly.

His spirit told me that he had very little memory of the night he hung himself. What he did recall was being in the kitchen holding a dishtowel over a dish and continually making circles over the dish. It felt as if he were in a trance. The reality of where he was and who was in the house was gone. He explained how he felt trapped, as if the walls were closing in. All he could focus on was getting out. Still in a trancelike state, he walked down the basement steps, went to a utility drawer, and took out a rope. He threw the rope over a beam and gradually tied a knot. He then carefully stepped up on a chair and slowly put the noose around his neck. At that moment, there was no other human existence in his mind. All he knew was that he had to get out before the walls closed in and he suffocated. He stepped off the chair.

The next thing he knew there was a bright light surrounding him, and he was held in the arms of his mother. He thought his pain would be over, but his mind was still heavy. In the distance he could hear Britney’s screams, and he wanted to jump up and help her, but the spirit of his mother held him down. She whispered in his ear, “My darling Danny, you can’t fix this. You are dead.”

This is one of the many inspirational stories, “Healing the Heart of Grief.” Can’t wait!!

Do Spirits See Us in Our Physical Form?

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For years I have been asked a question that I love to answer. The question is, “Do spirits see us in our physical form?” No worries, spirits do not see you without your clothes.

Spirit is energy and energy is what is viewed. Even when you are still in your body it is your soul that is seen. There is no more interest in the physical body.

What spirits see is your energy. They see your light.They see the fluctuations of the colors and all the beautiful things that create you. It is not a physical eye, it is spirit looking at spirit.

Always remember, those who love you in spirit are not judging you. They love and support you as you travel on your path. When you speak to your loved ones they can hear your words telepathically and their view of you is energy, not your physical body. Spirit sees only spirit, so the next time you have a conversation while you’re in the shower, there is no need worry—you’re covered.

A Healing Dream


The month of May is usually the month we celebrate our mothers. My mother was a wonderful mother and she was my best friend. In the last year of her life, I cared for her and was by her side when she moved into the afterlife. In this blog I will share a dream that I had about six months after she died.

In my dream I was swinging on a swing. I was in the backyard from my childhood. As I was swinging, I noticed my mother’s beautiful flowers, especially her roses. She loved her red roses but, as she became older, she did not spend as much time in her yard. I could hear my mother’s voice through the kitchen window. She was loudly laughing with her friends. I called out to my mother to come out of the house so I could see her. She did not respond. I tried calling her again but it was as if she were ignoring me. I could hear her talking to her friends. As I listened closely I could recognize their voices. These were friends whom she loved dearly, and she had deeply grieved their deaths. I felt very excited to see everyone. I had a strong feeling I could not go into the house, so I wanted them to join me. I continued to call out to her. Eventually she answered, “I cannot come visit with you; I am busy with my friends.” At that point I woke up from my dream.

As I lay in bed, I felt disappointed that I did not see my mother, but most of all that she choose not to visit with me. I got up from bed and started my morning meditation. After my meditation I felt a sense of peace. I realized my mother spent the last years of her life extremely close to me, but during those years she missed her friends. She missed the social life that she had when she was younger.

While meditating, I remembered that years before my mother died she told me about her reoccurring dreams. In each dream she heard her friends talking: They were either in church or on a bus and, as my mother desperately tried to join them, the door closed on her. I then realized my dream was not for my mother and I to interact. Rather, she was letting me know that the door finally opened and that she was home.

Spirit Is Not Lost

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A word that is frequently used when speaking of death is “lost”. “I lost my husband last year” or “I lost my mother to cancer.” Once, when giving a reading, a spirit asked, “Why does she keep saying that I am lost? I am not lost. I am right here.” Spirit is not lost, you just temporarily lost sight. Yet, because of the physical separation, we feel a loss. It is more appropriate to say, “I feel lost since my husband crossed over.” Using the word “lost” in this context is much more acceptable to spirit since it then becomes a description of your feelings.

Heaven is not a faraway place in the clouds; it is parallel to Earth but at a higher vibrational frequency. Everything in the universe has energy and vibrates at its own frequency. Radio waves, for example, have varying frequencies, and we must tune into specific channels to access the individual signals of our favorite stations. Even though we cannot see these radio waves, we still are able to get sound if we tune into the right frequency.

Each person has a unique vibrational frequency, similar to a snowflake’s individuality. After death when the physical body is no long present, the soul functions on its own distinctive frequency. When you suddenly think of your loved one, trust that this is a sign that he or she is with you and that you are picking up their vibratory frequency.

Moving Forward


You are a wonderful, spiritual being who can achieve anything you set your heart on. Always remember that a broken heart is a heart made stronger than before. Your emotional wounds will slowly evolve your soul.

Earth is a school that our soul has chosen to come to in order to learn various spiritual lessons: compassion, forgiveness, love and death. Death is one of the most difficult lessons to fully fathom. But once we do understand, we will graduate this class called Earth.

When you feel the sadness, remember that just because your loved one has moved on to a higher dimension, it does not mean that he or she has forgotten you. It is just the opposite. The spirit body is able to travel with you by using thoughts and desires. He or she continues to share life with you, just in a different way.

Grief becomes part of your life so your soul can evolve; yet you cannot force your soul to grow. Instead nurture it as if it were a tree. Water the seeds of love and compassion, love it and give it much attention until it is ready to grow, blossom and flourish.

Take a few minutes a day to bring your imagination to a place of perfect healing. First surround yourself with love, light and acceptance. Next picture the spirit of your loved one holding you and try to feel the energy. This practice will bring peace throughout your day.

Remember that during the darkness of sadness, the light will always shine to show you the way.

Saying Goodbye


In this blog I want to focus on what many would call the final goodbye: Death. In our daily lives, throughout our day, we use the word “Goodbye” without a second thought.

When hanging up the phone, walking out the door, and leaving work each day, we use this word as a figure of speech. We do not attach finality to the word, except when someone dies. But even in death there is no total disappearance.The physical body is removed because it is no longer operating, but the etheric body still exists. The etheric body is denser than the spiritual body so we are able to see it. Once the soul moves into the heavens and the etheric body is shed into the spiritual body, communication is still possible but the way the soul communicates changes.

The etheric body, although energy based, still retains original shape and form. The etheric body initially stays close to what once was familiar as it seeks to adapt to the change of environment. He or she may attempt to communicate with family or friends but normally is unsuccessful because most of the time the etheric body can only be sensed by those attuned spiritually. Within a few days the etheric body disappears as the soul starts its journey. As it moves into the heavens it is now a spirit body which is the essence of the soul.

In 1961 my uncle Jimmy was living in a small apartment in New York City. It was early morning and he was awakened by a sound on his window. He looked out the window and saw fog. Thinking it was just a foggy morning he decided to go back to sleep, but the fog entered his room. He realized it was some sort of mist. Not understanding why, he found himself uttering my brother’s name. As quickly as the mist appeared, it disappeared. Within hours he received a call that my brother had died.

Joann was lying in bed tossing and turning trying to fall asleep when she noticed a mist in the shape of a woman standing at the bottom of her bed. Not knowing why she called out to grandmother. Within moments the mist moved through the room and disappeared. Later that day Joann found out her grandmother had died.

When Mary was sleeping she felt as if someone was holding her down. It felt so uncomfortable that she woke up. As she opened her eyes she saw a hand above her and she immediately felt that it was her husband. He had recently died and she felt as if he had come to visit her. She then felt comforted by the feeling.

Many may think that these spirits came to say goodbye but I believe that in their etheric form they came to convey the message that they are still with you. In Mary’s case I believe that while she was sleeping her soul was with her husband. As he held her she felt the pressure of his embrace. When she woke up she got a glimpse of him as he released his hold.

After death, even for a moment, if you could dry your eyes and remove your focus from your loved one’s physical existence, you would notice the etheric body. You would realize your loved one has not disappeared from your life; only the way you communicate has changed

Beginning Anew

Today, we are on the threshold of a new year and a new dawn. If you have experienced the physical death of someone very dear, you are living out one of the greatest journeys of the soul, and a sacred path is before you. Still guided by the spirit of your loved one, your focus is shifting to the bigger picture: “Death is the end of a life but not of a relationship.” Those in the older soul groups are learning the great lessons of compassion, understanding, trust and letting go. It is now your time to create a higher consciousness of light so you and the spirit of your loved one can continue an eternal communication.

In this new year to come, clear your path emotionally and in your living surroundings. Let go of the heaviness that once offered you comfort and protection but now hinders your healing. Allow the light to shine even in your dark closets. Clear out what is no longer needed, but keep what brings you special memories in an open, honored space.

A young man had an appointment with me today to speak to the spirit of his father. This young man was so happy, having organized his father’s belongings that filled the garage. His father was pleased but he told his son that most of his processions would benefit others, especially his tools. He asked his son to keep what he would use but to please pass the rest on. He explained that the most important memories would always be in his heart. A friend’s horse crossed over this holiday season. Instead of holding on to his belongings, she is getting boxes ready to donate to a horse rescue. After she made this decision, early the next morning she received a visit from him.

Another New Year’s ritual for clearing your path is to write down the names of those who no longer serve your higher good. With each name write next to it, “I release you with love.” Wish each person on your list a blessed journey and let him or her go. After you are done, burn the paper and focus on gratitude. This lights your path for the coming year.

My gratitude and thanks to all of you who have allowed me to learn and grow through communicating with the spirit of your loved one in 2018.

Be The Healer

During the holiday season we have an image of an extended family sitting around the dinner table. This scene seems as if it would be an ideal scenario, but for many it could be an uncomfortable situation. We may feel trapped by family members who just don’t understand our situation and who tend to make us feel self-conscious and as if we need to defend our selves. It is very sad when the people we want to feel close to make us feel so separate.

What if this year your try a new approach, instead of letting others affect you, take the role of the healer. Look around the table and think of everyone as being whole and healed. If you are at a distance you can still think of those who judge you as being whole.

Sit in meditation and begin with yourself, and then extend the image of wholeness and love to everyone around you. You can be the inspiration to others.

Life presents situations when we react with fear and judgment. Instead of reacting negatively you have the choice to consciously choose your healing response. When you react and become judgmental or hateful this creates stress. All it takes is the first moment of recognition to shift your perception. You can stop your negative thoughts immediately by focusing on your breath. Close your eyes and feel the love of spirit filling your heart. Let go of the outcome, trusting at the deepest level of consciousness that you will be whole.

As you meditate you will go from the level of worry to the level of solutions. Know that you have the power to see yourself and those around you as part of the perfect universal light.

Finding Gratitude

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As we go through the month of November we are constantly reminded to be thankful. But giving thanks is not always easy, especially when going through difficult times. For me, falling into a depression means no longer being able to communicate with spirit, and my mind will become foggy with sadness and self-pity. The communication will become dim. In order to stay positive, I try to live life in the moment and open my eyes to all the little things I have to be grateful for. Let me share this story with you:

There was a man who went to his spiritual teacher and told his teacher how unhappy he was feeling. His teacher told him that there must be something that brings him joy. The man replied, “No.” He told his teacher that ever since his wife died he has had no reason to live. His teacher told him to find something to be grateful for and then come back and share the good news.

The following week the man returned to his teacher. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “Nothing. I work as a bee keeper and all my bees died.” The teacher expressed his regrets and told the man to come back the next week to tell of something he is grateful for. The man shook his head in disgust and left.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “Nothing, my walking stick cracked and now I can hardly get around.” The teacher expressed his regrets and told the man to come back the next week to tell of something he is grateful for. The man shook his head in disgust and left.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “Nothing, there was a wind storm and now my yard is full of branches. The teacher expressed his regrets and told the man to come back the next week to tell of something he is grateful for. The man shook his head in disgust and left.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked what are you grateful for? The man replied, “Well, since I haven’t been eating all that honey I have felt much better and my constipation is gone. So I guess I could be grateful for that.” The teacher smiled and said, “That is a start.” He told the man to come back next week to tell of something else he is grateful for.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “When I was cleaning my yard from the damage caused by the wind storm I found this wonderful stick. I whittled into a new walking stick.” The teacher smiled and told the man to come back next week to tell of something else he is grateful for.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “When I was sitting in my yard, taking notice of all that I have to be grateful for I closed my eyes and within my mind’s eye I could see the face of my beautiful wife. It was as clear as if she was truly there. I asked her, ‘Where have you been?’” She replied, “I was always here but I was shadowed by your thoughts.” The teacher smiled and told the man, “You have awakened.” The man smiled as he realized he truly felt gratitude and peace.