
Many times my clients speak of regrets regarding the end of life of their loved one. There are many emotions when the tragedy of death comes into our lives. We start to second guess the decisions that were made. “I allowed the doctors to put her on life support against her will”, or “I should have put her on life support. Maybe she would have lived,” or “I wasn’t with him when he died,” and “I am so afraid my husband is mad at me for losing my patience.” All these thoughts run through our minds but the truth is your loved one is now at peace. Their death played out for them and they took their bow at the final curtain call. It is now up to you to find your peace with their death. As humans we like to think of ourselves as powerful and in control of most things, but we are not in control of death. Each soul has its own journey
What I have come to realize from spirit, repeating to me over and over, that the hours before death are not what is important, but the life and relationships that lead up to that moment are. The horrible memory at the time of death is only your memory. Your loved one was so busy working with the other side that his or her focus was not on dying but on his transformation. Leaving the body and being transported into the light, and reuniting with spirit was the concentration of the soul. 

Other questions I am asked are: “Should I have known my child was suicidal? Could I have stopped him from dying?” This is a hard one, because we feel that as a parent we are supposed to protect our children, but this statement is not true. We can guide our children but their journey is their own. If a loved one committed suicide what you can do for them is not only forgive them, but also forgive yourself. This sets the soul free.

Another situation happens when a loved one dies and family members may turn on each other. “I tried to honor my father’s wishes and now my family hates me.” As long as you acted from love you may want to remove yourself from your family’s judgments and realize that this is their karma. Repeat over and over “I release them with love.” Also remember your loved one has a new perspective on his or her wants and does not have the attachment to the end of life needs any longer. Looking down from heaven he does not judge you for the exact details of his death.   

Try not to waste your days with regrets, treat your loved ones with love and say the words you need to say today. Don’t wait until tomorrow. There are no guarantees in tomorrow.

The Illusion Of Death-part 2

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When we die it is not an end or a beginning, it is the continuation of our soul.I believe that once in the beginning of time we had a chance to live in harmony with all life. Some call it the Garden of Eden, I call it the land of Lemuria. Lemuria was a highly spiritually evolved place. Everyone who lived in Lemuria was connected to their higher selves. There was no divide between life and death. The Lemurians knew exactly where their souls had originated. Their connection with the Source, or God, never separated.

In our world, as we know it today, we have separated from our Source. Instead of living life as one with spirit we try to control it. We were taught certain expectations on ways to live our lives and when we fall short of those expectations or life takes different turn we feel a loss of control and find ourselves facing despair. We forget the directions our angel whispered in our ears before our birth but most of all we have lost our connection to spirit.

Unfortunately we are born without any memory of our true life in the spiritual world. Now it is like starting over with the belief that our birth was our beginning. This is far from true. We existed long before this life. We shared this existence with those we love and will continue to do so long after this lifetime.

When your grief becomes unbearable, remember your loved one is not lost. He or she may be gone from your physical world, but has transitioned into another dimension and in this dimension your souls are still connected. After the death of my brother, my mother was paralyzed with grief. My brother came to her in a dream to help ease her pain. He told her that death was just like being here, and that he was always near. My mother’s dream of communication helped her start her long journey to heal.

The Illusion Of Death

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Our time on earth is only a second compared to the actual existence of our soul. We are all part of a greater story. When a loved one dies we feel a loss and a separation, but in reality his or her thoughts, teachings, laughter, and very essence lives on through the people whose lives have been touched.

The human body is a costume that best fits the character that we are here to play in this story we call life. When this story is over we move out of our costume and enter the next realm. Spirit views death as an illusion. There is no beginning or end of life to spirit. I love the quote by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

We were all one with God, and through the lesson we are experiencing on earth we will find our way back. Maybe it will take many lifetimes but we will take this journey together.

A medium helps heal the living not only by sharing messages from spirit, but also by providing evidence that death is an illusion. Personal details provide reassurance that their loved one is safe and at peace. We are reminded of a bit of their personality, a joke, a favorite material object and even a bit of a compulsion that they held on earth. These words communicated to you bring you assurance that your loved one is not lost.

Things To Remember:

If your loved one has died, allow yourself time to grieve.
There is no time limit on grief.

Your loved one will be waiting for you when your cross over, and they will not reincarnate without you.

Your loved one is near even if you can’t feel his or her presence. There are times when the signs are abundant and other times when they are few and far in between. Your loved one’s soul is also on a journey, even after death, so they are working on their own understandings. They may also be asked to take a step back so you can learn your earth lessons. Remember this is temporary and eventually the signs will be back.

Death is an illusion, we continue to live in a parallel universe.

You signed up for this experience as part of your soul’s growth. The lesson: Death is the end of physical body but it is not the end of your relationship.

Your loved one wants you to be at peace and find joy in your life.

Your loved one is at peace and in a realm of love.

Color Of Energy

Years ago when I first started giving readings, I did not start out as a medium. I evolved into that role. I began working with my spirit guide Heik in doing spiritual readings. I wanted to help people meet their angels and spirit guides so they could understand their path on Earth. I was working with a older woman who asked me , “Will my daughter stay with the black man?”  I understood her question completely, but when I looked into spirit at Heik for my answer, she looked confused. She asked me “What is a black man? Does that mean he is a man with dark energy?” What I came to realize in that second was that Heik did not see the color of skin. I was not able to answer my client’s question, but was able to finish our session. After the session I went into a meditation to explain to Heik that when we incarnate into a physical body that body has different skin tones and varieties of features. She told me “We in spirit do not see your body, we see your energy, so the color of your skin is not seen. If you have negative thoughts you tend to hold darker energy than those who have positive thoughts. In that conversation I remembered a question I had been asked by my clients, “Do spirits see us naked?” Heik answered me from her spiritual understanding, “Humans can look naked and defenseless when living in fear, but all one needs is to cover with light.” So I guess my answer was, “No.”

Years later when my daughter Sarah was 5 years old we took a day trip to Philadelphia. We were walking by a man and Sarah stopped and looked up at him and then turned to me and asked “Why is that man so dark?” I was surprised by her question. We live in an area where there are many African Americans so why would she single him out? I quickly pulled her along, and then turned around to look back. I could see a troubled man who was about to make a decision of life or death.

Years ago I met a man who blinded me by his charm and good looks. When this man came to my apartment my Siamese cat, Tiki acted very upset around him. There were many growls and hisses. Throughout the weeks the man visited Tiki never warmed up to him. I eventually started to see the darkness in him that Tiki saw the moment he laid eyes on him. I now have a Border Collie named Jacob, who I walk daily. The best part of his walk is when he sees a young child. When he sees a child his eyes fill with excitement. He takes a moment to read their energy and if he does feel fear he pulls me towards them. It doesn’t matter what the color of the child’s skin is to Jacob. What is important is that the young child has love in their heart to share with him, through touch and a hug.

Maybe when you meet a stranger and you get an overwhelming sense of a positive or negative feeling it may not be a judgment, but that you are actually reading their energy. Carol was working for an insurance company and a new woman was hired. She seemed to be lovely. Carol called me in distress telling me that she really did not like the woman, but felt very guilty because she really did not have a reason. Was she judging her because she was divorced or was she jealous because of her beauty? I advised her to send light to the woman and release all judgment, but be cautious and trust her intuition. As time went on the woman pulled others into her drama. Carol took my advice and even though many problems subsequently happened at work Carol was never involved. 
I spent a lot of time in meditation trying to understand why humans can be so cruel. I came to believe that the world would be a much better place if we did not make such quick assessments based on others physical appearance, but instead trusted our intuition, and let our hearts be the judge.


I have been asked many times by my clients, “Is my loved one happy in Heaven?” The response that I get from spirit is almost always the same “I am at peace.”

What I have come to understand is that here on Earth happiness is fleeting, As humans we become addicted to this euphoric feeling, and we are in a constant search for this moment of pleasure. We look outside ourselves; that new car will make me happy, a special shirt, a different job. But the truth is that once we obtain what we thought we wanted the wheel of desire starts over again. We are on the merry-go-round of life, constantly grabbing for that golden ring.
In death a process takes place and we let go of all attachments, wants and desires. When I say “attachments”, I mean of the material world and the worry of tomorrow. In heaven there is no time frame, and certainty no material desires. Without superficial distractions you are free to look deep into your soul and what you once thought of as happiness is now peace. Yet, there is still a connection of love with those on Earth, however it is without the anxiety of attachment. Because you strive to understand that everything happens in its own special time and exactly how it is supposed to be. 
What you eventually realize is that the search for happiness was the ego mind trying to distract you from your path. We all have this sense of knowing from birth. The answers have always been within us. It would be wonderful if we could accept this key to freedom from spirit before we die. If we could realize that the light within is there to free us from this earthly sleep of darkness. Once the light in you is awakened it will be clear that you no longer need to search for happiness. Instead, you will reconnect with peace and joy.

A man once told Buddha, “I want happiness.” Buddha replied. “First, remove ‘I’.  That’s ego. Then remove ‘want’ That’s desire. And now all you’re left with is happiness.”

Souls Are Connected

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One of the things that I enjoy is to give messages at a messages circle. I appreciate how people open their homes to the spirits, to those who are grieving and to me by hosting this circle. During a message circle a woman asked me if I saw the spirit of a baby. As I stared deeply into the spirit world I did not see a baby. I asked the spirit of her grandmother where the miscarried baby was. The answer she gave me was no surprise. I have been asked that question many times before, and the answer is usually the same. I was told that after her miscarriage she became pregnant again. I asked if this was true, and the woman verified that it was. Her grandmother went on to tell me that about eleven months later her granddaughter became pregnant again. Her grandmother continued to explain that the soul of the lost pregnancy returned in the next child.The soul has a divine path, or karma with the parents. If something goes wrong with the fetus the soul can choose to leave. This choice depends on whether or not this child needs the experience of a life with a disability. If it does not, then it will wait for a healthy fetus to be born.

Another woman once asked me about her baby who had died at birth. Her child came through right away. The spirit of the child told me he was with the angels and would see her one day when she entered Heaven. This soul did not want the hardships of Earth. He would guide his mother from the other side instead.

While on Earth we have a journey. Throughout this journey we have relationships with many different people during our lives. Some may seem awesome and others unpleasant. What is important is that the lessons empower our soul and the souls of those around us. I truly believe that before we are born we pick our story and the characters that we are to interact with. Our parents, our children, our partners and our friends are all part of a divine plan. There is a sacred map that has many twists and turns. It is our choice to either want to walk a straight line or to take detours. Either choice will lead to the same spot. The only difference is that some roads are more difficult than others. I know I needed the road with all the rocks and obstacles. Maybe the hard climb instilled the lesson deeper inside my soul.

Gail, who miscarried six times, gave up her dream to be a biological mother. After three years of grieving Gail and her husband decided to adopt. A little girl was just put into the system. She was three years old and was born the same month of Gail’s last miscarriage. She had flaming red hair just like Gail. No one would ever know that she was not Gail’s birth child.

Souls are connected. We must keep our faith and be open to all possibilities.

Heaven and Hell

I was raised to believe in Hell but throughout my life, and learning from my work, I came to a belief that there is no world beneath the earth where you burn for eternity. Even the most troubled soul does not end in a burning flame but through universal love is healed and rises as the Phoenix: To start a new journey.

Growing up in a catholic family, Hell was a fear that became part of my existence. I was told that if I misbehaved I would burn in Hell for eternity. The plan was to put fear into me so that I would not veer from my religion. The plan did not work for me, it just did not make sense. I had too many question. For instance, if you have no body how can you burn? What I came to realize is that Hell was a perception. Don’t get me wrong, there are many people who find peace through their religion. But for me there was too much negativity in that concept, so I had to believe God was loving, and forgiving. Earth is a place where we have to learn, and it is through our mistakes that we grow. If we were perfect we would not need to incarnate on Earth and our soul would stay in Heaven, as part of universal love. I have to believe that in our darkest hour we are still loved by God.

Through my life as a medium I started to understand the journey of the soul. Our soul has a contract to come to Earth, a divine plan. We have to learn chosen lessons and to graduate the class of life. What matters is that we find the empowerment of ourselves and stay selfless in order to help others. If we choose a negative existence we will create karma in this life or the afterlife. Even through difficult times we are loved by a higher power and are asked to grow spiritually. If we lose sight of our soul’s purpose and fall into material greed, fear, hate and anger we have not learned the lessons and through our misery we are in Hell.

When I asked Spirit to describe Heaven and Hell, I was told, Heaven is a dimension that is a level beyond the Earth plane where souls return after completing a task. It is a place of unconditional love even for the most troubled soul. There are different levels in this dimension depending on how you lived your life. I spoke to a mother whose son killed his girl friend then shot himself. Hell for him was not seeing his girlfriend after he died and watching the suffering he caused his mother. A man committed suicide because he felt hopeless since he was not able to take care of his family. He felt they would be better off without him. He told me his Hell was watching his worst nightmare come true. His wife lost her home and he was seeing his family homeless. The humiliation, pain and suffering his family felt resonated throughout his soul. He eventually felt peace when his wife moved to Florida with distant family and found her way. Another soul joked with me, telling me he was in Hell. He had been a pastor and believed only other Baptist would surround him in Heaven, yet he now finds himself surrounded by Catholics, Jews, and Muslims all who had been just as narrow minded as he had been. Now, together they are realizing that they all love God. So what happens to those who are truly evil? After death they feel the pain and suffering they caused others on Earth, over and over again until they take responsibility for their mistakes. This is a long process. It is not until this realization happens that the soul can start over again. This is a beginning that is filled with pain and suffering – karma and retribution. 

The Buddhist say, “Hell is the psychotic, the living in a world of such strong anxieties and fears that it causes a split with reality.” If that is true we all, at one time or another, have split from reality, so maybe we all have experienced Hell. 

Read more about the soul’s journey in my book “A Second Chance To Say Goodbye”

My Dad

Today I went on an incredible journey. I had a spiritual visitation from my Dad. No words were spoken as I hugged him, but within my heart I could feel his love. It felt so good that we have found acceptance, forgiveness and love.

My dad died 27 years ago but does not visit me much. We had a difficult relationship. After the death of my brother my dad closed down emotionally. It was as if he was afraid to love another child. (In my book “A Second Chance To Say Goodbye” I talk about my brother’s death and the impact it had on my life.) I was only 5 years old at the time of my brother’s death. It was all very confusing to me. I could not understand the absence of emotions from him while there was such a flux of affection from my mother going on at the same time. Dad pulled away, and mom grabbed on to me. My mother thought she could replace my dad’s love, but she was wrong. One person does not have the power to love for another. As the years went on I tried desperately to get his attention. I did whatever I could to pull some sort of emotion out of his heart. I learned very quickly that the only way to get his attention was to be disobedient. At 18 I attempted suicide. While I was hospitalized I asked that only my father be allowed to visit. Even at his visits I could see the disappointment in his face and hear the lack of understanding in his voice.

At 20 years old I moved to New York City and as the years went on we became further and further apart. He became ill with heart disease and suffered multiple heart attacks. By the age of 65 he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and his body quickly deteriorated. I came home often to visit and help my mother. I watched my dad sink down even more as he became trapped in an immobile body. I asked him to love me but his response was that I was not lovable. He died with a lifetime of unsaid words.

Even though I am a medium it took a little over a year after he died to communicate with him. My mother had many visitations but mine were few. When I did hear from him I was finally able to start my healing process. I got a clearer understanding of my dad’s unhappy childhood. I now understand he did love me in his own way but was not able to engage in my drama. His heart was full of pain after my brother’s death, and his only way to deal with his grief was to shut down. He wanted comfort from my mother but she pulled away and became consumed with me, which in turn, created more conflict. After death, through his soul’s journey, he observed his life. He was able to see and feel the pain his actions caused others. Through our communication I realized I needed to take responsibility for my behavior and for disrespecting him. I forgave him but most of all I forgave myself. This understanding brought forth a new meaning to our lives together. I feel at peace through the healing that has occurred.Resolution doesn’t always happen when a person is alive, it can still happen in your heart after death, through spiritual communication.

Meditation-A New Year’s Resolution

This is the time of year perfect for new beginnings, a time when many of us make New Year’s resolutions—perhaps we open a new savings account, join a gym, begin a yoga practice or start a weight loss program. But what about a resolution that will not only nourish the present but one from which you will reap the benefits for years to come? I’m talking about meditation, a practice, if done regularly, that will not only bring but allow a greater sense of relaxation and peace and has a myriad of other benefits.

Relaxation and Peace
Meditation is a state of “perfect rest.” Through meditation we learn to quiet our minds which brings peace into our moment-to-moment awareness, which, in turn, helps us live life to its fullest. Meditation may also relieve unpleasant mental and physical states most of us feel either regularly or from time to time. When we sit with our breath, allowing our thoughts to flow by without either grasping onto them or rejecting them, our usual states of fear and anxiety diminish and a greater sense of peace begins to appear. We carry this new mental state with us into our lives outside of mediation, improving everything we do.

Health and Breathing
The techniques of meditation allow us to feel the positive effects of correct breathing while recharging the body with energy. When we meditate, our breathing regulates, our heartbeat slows and establishes a greater rhythm as the circulatory system evens itself out and hypertension and stress diminish. Regular meditation creates greater breath control, which encourages a vital state of health, and the restoration and strengthening of the energy flow in the body. This natural healing, of restoring the power to your body, can strengthen your immune system, promote better work performance, and speed your clarity of thought.

Manifestation of Desires
I like to think of meditation as a direct connection to the power and beauty of the universe. Instead of trying hard and attacking your dreams by relying solely on personal willpower and strength, meditation creates a flow to fruition, an entrance to all that is good and beautiful in the manifest and as-yet-unmanifested worlds. You are accessing a higher frequency that speeds up the results of your intentions and desires.

Increase Your Intuition
We were born with the gift of intuition but as we age, it often becomes a forgotten talent. We rely on others and the outer world to solve our problems. Meditation will help you get in touch with your higher self. The more you meditate, the greater your frame of mind, the greater its expansive view. You begin to see things differently and you think from a more intuitive place. Meditating regularly will help you clear your mind of distractions and teach you how to better recognize this subtle voice from within.

Bring Joy Into Your Life
Meditation stimulates the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain that can create a greater sense of well-being and that helps us operate from a joyous state. There is a profound and deep joy that comes from meditation. This joy isn’t that which is dependent on positive events in one’s life, but instead occurs at a time of stillness. It arises from within—which means it has always been a part of you. Underneath fear, anger, insecurity, guilt and uncertainty, there is a natural supply of unconditional joy that can be found through meditation.

Meditating For World Peace
The highest form of meditation moves us from a solidified sense of self and personal ego to a state of universal consciousness. The world as it is today contains such uncertainty that it is easy to experience fear. World peace, justice and love come from each of us, so as we strive to find inner peace through our meditation practice, we understand that we must also meditate for world peace. It is hard to imagine that one person has the power to create a world of peace, but our minds and the energy we send out through focused thought has a power beyond belief, and it is meditation that trains our focus. Every spiritual practice in he world holds the belief that peace must exist in the individual heart before it can exist in the outer world. Each day at the end of our meditation, we take a few moments to send out the intention of peace. Rest your attention on your heart and quietly repeat, “May all beings in our world experience peace, love, kindness and harmony.”

Wishing everyone a year of spiritual growth and transformation.

To Choose Love


In the last few months I have tried my hardest not to watch the news or follow the political trail. But there were times that my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I watched with disbelief how much hate is around us. I almost got sucked into the anger, the judgment and the lack of compassion that is being portrayed by the media.
I found myself starting to judge, but then I realized that I had to step back and find my center of love.

When someone you love dies, you become sympathetic of the suffering of others. It does not matter if they are from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, or the United States. Every day people around the world are killed by gunfire. Some choose to commit suicide, and almost all of us know someone who has died from cancer or some other deadly disease. As a society there is so much suffering, so why is there also so much hatred. Instead of the bitterness, we could choose love.

I choose not to identify with those who hate and judge. I offer love to the world on my path to peace. I vow to work on my own personal growth in order to lessen our collective suffering. We do not have the power to change the world, only to change ourselves by living with integrity. If each of us, one person at a time, chooses love the world will becomes a place of peace.

If we truly believe in an afterlife and a higher power, then why don’t we believe that the choices that are being made will be taken care of by karma. The law of karma is that the universe always gives back what is given. But it is not for us to judge what karma others should have or when it should be bestowed on them. There is a bigger picture of the soul that is not for us to know. We can’t understand what someone was like in his younger years or even what path he chose in other lifetimes. The focus needs to be on ourselves and if what we want is happiness, peace, love, then we should be happy, peaceful, and loving. Within the messages from above, each day the spirit world reminds me, we as humans have the power to choose love.