In the last few months I have tried my hardest not to watch the news or follow the political trail. But there were times that my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I watched with disbelief how much hate is around us. I almost got sucked into the anger, the judgment and the lack of compassion that is being portrayed by the media.
I found myself starting to judge, but then I realized that I had to step back and find my center of love.
When someone you love dies, you become sympathetic of the suffering of others. It does not matter if they are from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, or the United States. Every day people around the world are killed by gunfire. Some choose to commit suicide, and almost all of us know someone who has died from cancer or some other deadly disease. As a society there is so much suffering, so why is there also so much hatred. Instead of the bitterness, we could choose love.
I choose not to identify with those who hate and judge. I offer love to the world on my path to peace. I vow to work on my own personal growth in order to lessen our collective suffering. We do not have the power to change the world, only to change ourselves by living with integrity. If each of us, one person at a time, chooses love the world will becomes a place of peace.
If we truly believe in an afterlife and a higher power, then why don’t we believe that the choices that are being made will be taken care of by karma. The law of karma is that the universe always gives back what is given. But it is not for us to judge what karma others should have or when it should be bestowed on them. There is a bigger picture of the soul that is not for us to know. We can’t understand what someone was like in his younger years or even what path he chose in other lifetimes. The focus needs to be on ourselves and if what we want is happiness, peace, love, then we should be happy, peaceful, and loving. Within the messages from above, each day the spirit world reminds me, we as humans have the power to choose love.