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Growing up in a very religious home, prayer was a huge part of my life. We would pray for everything; lost keys, a good grade on a test, to win the lottery, and so on. As years went by I came to realize, I didn’t think that God had the time to care about my keys, or to whisper the correct numbers in my ears. Instead, I knew it was for me to not concern myself about the simplistic worries of life.

Spirit has told me when prayer is spoken it connects a healing energy which is appreciated by spirit. My mother would recite the rosary for the spirit of a loved one to help him or her transcend in the afterlife.

I remember going to my aunt’s house with my mother hours after my uncle died. We sat with my aunt at her kitchen table, listening to how overwhelmed her words were as she tried to put the details together as she arranged his funeral. Then she looked around the house where she spent the last forty years with my uncle. Her face was taut with fear. For the first time in her life she would have to get used to sleeping and eating alone. She would have to learn how to care for the house and even fix a clogged toilet. Still talking, she walked to the living room and sat still. I watched a calmness come over her face as she started to pray, then she sat in stillness. Her face quieted as she looked up at me. “God has already answered. He said, ‘We may never understand the sorrows of life, but we don’t have to understand. You have my love. If you open to the possibility of spirit’s presence in daily life, then you will find peace, and it can be felt everywhere.” Then she looked up at me and asked, ”Do you see Uncle Sal standing in the doorway? He is listening to us.” When I looked at the doorway, Uncle Sal told me that he is happy that my aunt’s faith is helping her heal. Her prayers will bring both of them peace.

Now, as a medium, I do use prayers in my everyday life, but not to ask for things, but instead to use it as a focus in my meditation. Prayer is speaking, and meditation is listening. When I sit quietly to communicate with spirit I first start with prayer. The prayer will focus me and help me release my connection to my mundane worries, and to raise my vibration to the higher realms. Then I am ready for meditation.

There have also been times for me when true prayer made me collapse to my knees and totally let go. I did not know where to turn or what to do, and could do nothing more. Meditation seemed impossible. There was no way my mind could reason me out of this situation. Letting go was my first moment of healing. It was like kneeling with an arrow in the center of my heart, and the willingness to accept what I could no longer change. All I could say to this energy above me was “Here I am, please help me find the strength.”

Here is a prayer that I would like to share with you to help you focus and connect with spirit:

I send my love to you in the spiritual realm
So my seeking soul will find you
When I think of you with spiritual thoughts
I am at peace
Through these thoughts together we shall grow