Finding Gratitude

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As we go through the month of November we are constantly reminded to be thankful. But giving thanks is not always easy, especially when going through difficult times. For me, falling into a depression means no longer being able to communicate with spirit, and my mind will become foggy with sadness and self-pity. The communication will become dim. In order to stay positive, I try to live life in the moment and open my eyes to all the little things I have to be grateful for. Let me share this story with you:

There was a man who went to his spiritual teacher and told his teacher how unhappy he was feeling. His teacher told him that there must be something that brings him joy. The man replied, “No.” He told his teacher that ever since his wife died he has had no reason to live. His teacher told him to find something to be grateful for and then come back and share the good news.

The following week the man returned to his teacher. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “Nothing. I work as a bee keeper and all my bees died.” The teacher expressed his regrets and told the man to come back the next week to tell of something he is grateful for. The man shook his head in disgust and left.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “Nothing, my walking stick cracked and now I can hardly get around.” The teacher expressed his regrets and told the man to come back the next week to tell of something he is grateful for. The man shook his head in disgust and left.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “Nothing, there was a wind storm and now my yard is full of branches. The teacher expressed his regrets and told the man to come back the next week to tell of something he is grateful for. The man shook his head in disgust and left.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked what are you grateful for? The man replied, “Well, since I haven’t been eating all that honey I have felt much better and my constipation is gone. So I guess I could be grateful for that.” The teacher smiled and said, “That is a start.” He told the man to come back next week to tell of something else he is grateful for.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “When I was cleaning my yard from the damage caused by the wind storm I found this wonderful stick. I whittled into a new walking stick.” The teacher smiled and told the man to come back next week to tell of something else he is grateful for.

The following week the man returned. The teacher asked, “What are you grateful for?” The man replied, “When I was sitting in my yard, taking notice of all that I have to be grateful for I closed my eyes and within my mind’s eye I could see the face of my beautiful wife. It was as clear as if she was truly there. I asked her, ‘Where have you been?’” She replied, “I was always here but I was shadowed by your thoughts.” The teacher smiled and told the man, “You have awakened.” The man smiled as he realized he truly felt gratitude and peace.