Be The Healer

During the holiday season we have an image of an extended family sitting around the dinner table. This scene seems as if it would be an ideal scenario, but for many it could be an uncomfortable situation. We may feel trapped by family members who just don’t understand our situation and who tend to make us feel self-conscious and as if we need to defend our selves. It is very sad when the people we want to feel close to make us feel so separate.

What if this year your try a new approach, instead of letting others affect you, take the role of the healer. Look around the table and think of everyone as being whole and healed. If you are at a distance you can still think of those who judge you as being whole.

Sit in meditation and begin with yourself, and then extend the image of wholeness and love to everyone around you. You can be the inspiration to others.

Life presents situations when we react with fear and judgment. Instead of reacting negatively you have the choice to consciously choose your healing response. When you react and become judgmental or hateful this creates stress. All it takes is the first moment of recognition to shift your perception. You can stop your negative thoughts immediately by focusing on your breath. Close your eyes and feel the love of spirit filling your heart. Let go of the outcome, trusting at the deepest level of consciousness that you will be whole.

As you meditate you will go from the level of worry to the level of solutions. Know that you have the power to see yourself and those around you as part of the perfect universal light.