Beginning Anew

Today, we are on the threshold of a new year and a new dawn. If you have experienced the physical death of someone very dear, you are living out one of the greatest journeys of the soul, and a sacred path is before you. Still guided by the spirit of your loved one, your focus is shifting to the bigger picture: “Death is the end of a life but not of a relationship.” Those in the older soul groups are learning the great lessons of compassion, understanding, trust and letting go. It is now your time to create a higher consciousness of light so you and the spirit of your loved one can continue an eternal communication.

In this new year to come, clear your path emotionally and in your living surroundings. Let go of the heaviness that once offered you comfort and protection but now hinders your healing. Allow the light to shine even in your dark closets. Clear out what is no longer needed, but keep what brings you special memories in an open, honored space.

A young man had an appointment with me today to speak to the spirit of his father. This young man was so happy, having organized his father’s belongings that filled the garage. His father was pleased but he told his son that most of his processions would benefit others, especially his tools. He asked his son to keep what he would use but to please pass the rest on. He explained that the most important memories would always be in his heart. A friend’s horse crossed over this holiday season. Instead of holding on to his belongings, she is getting boxes ready to donate to a horse rescue. After she made this decision, early the next morning she received a visit from him.

Another New Year’s ritual for clearing your path is to write down the names of those who no longer serve your higher good. With each name write next to it, “I release you with love.” Wish each person on your list a blessed journey and let him or her go. After you are done, burn the paper and focus on gratitude. This lights your path for the coming year.

My gratitude and thanks to all of you who have allowed me to learn and grow through communicating with the spirit of your loved one in 2018.