Saying Goodbye


In this blog I want to focus on what many would call the final goodbye: Death. In our daily lives, throughout our day, we use the word “Goodbye” without a second thought.

When hanging up the phone, walking out the door, and leaving work each day, we use this word as a figure of speech. We do not attach finality to the word, except when someone dies. But even in death there is no total disappearance.The physical body is removed because it is no longer operating, but the etheric body still exists. The etheric body is denser than the spiritual body so we are able to see it. Once the soul moves into the heavens and the etheric body is shed into the spiritual body, communication is still possible but the way the soul communicates changes.

The etheric body, although energy based, still retains original shape and form. The etheric body initially stays close to what once was familiar as it seeks to adapt to the change of environment. He or she may attempt to communicate with family or friends but normally is unsuccessful because most of the time the etheric body can only be sensed by those attuned spiritually. Within a few days the etheric body disappears as the soul starts its journey. As it moves into the heavens it is now a spirit body which is the essence of the soul.

In 1961 my uncle Jimmy was living in a small apartment in New York City. It was early morning and he was awakened by a sound on his window. He looked out the window and saw fog. Thinking it was just a foggy morning he decided to go back to sleep, but the fog entered his room. He realized it was some sort of mist. Not understanding why, he found himself uttering my brother’s name. As quickly as the mist appeared, it disappeared. Within hours he received a call that my brother had died.

Joann was lying in bed tossing and turning trying to fall asleep when she noticed a mist in the shape of a woman standing at the bottom of her bed. Not knowing why she called out to grandmother. Within moments the mist moved through the room and disappeared. Later that day Joann found out her grandmother had died.

When Mary was sleeping she felt as if someone was holding her down. It felt so uncomfortable that she woke up. As she opened her eyes she saw a hand above her and she immediately felt that it was her husband. He had recently died and she felt as if he had come to visit her. She then felt comforted by the feeling.

Many may think that these spirits came to say goodbye but I believe that in their etheric form they came to convey the message that they are still with you. In Mary’s case I believe that while she was sleeping her soul was with her husband. As he held her she felt the pressure of his embrace. When she woke up she got a glimpse of him as he released his hold.

After death, even for a moment, if you could dry your eyes and remove your focus from your loved one’s physical existence, you would notice the etheric body. You would realize your loved one has not disappeared from your life; only the way you communicate has changed