Spirit Is Not Lost

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A word that is frequently used when speaking of death is “lost”. “I lost my husband last year” or “I lost my mother to cancer.” Once, when giving a reading, a spirit asked, “Why does she keep saying that I am lost? I am not lost. I am right here.” Spirit is not lost, you just temporarily lost sight. Yet, because of the physical separation, we feel a loss. It is more appropriate to say, “I feel lost since my husband crossed over.” Using the word “lost” in this context is much more acceptable to spirit since it then becomes a description of your feelings.

Heaven is not a faraway place in the clouds; it is parallel to Earth but at a higher vibrational frequency. Everything in the universe has energy and vibrates at its own frequency. Radio waves, for example, have varying frequencies, and we must tune into specific channels to access the individual signals of our favorite stations. Even though we cannot see these radio waves, we still are able to get sound if we tune into the right frequency.

Each person has a unique vibrational frequency, similar to a snowflake’s individuality. After death when the physical body is no long present, the soul functions on its own distinctive frequency. When you suddenly think of your loved one, trust that this is a sign that he or she is with you and that you are picking up their vibratory frequency.