Suicide May End a Life, but Underneath Is a Soul Who Longs to Go home.

I am very excited to announce that my new book Healing the Heart of Grief, Stories of Hope from the Afterlife, will be released this fall. Here is an excerpt from my book:

Dan worked as a teacher but, through the years, his passion for teaching had ebbed. Since his wife worked in the evenings, Dan had fulfilled his duties as a father by cooking dinner and helping Britney with her homework. He then withdrew into the basement.

Dan explained that, as the years went by, his depression became worse and, while it became harder to hide it, he refused to go for help. The idea of sharing his thoughts with someone was even more painful than the depression. He told Britney that after she left for college, his behavior became so difficult for her mother the marriage deteriorated quickly.

His spirit told me that he had very little memory of the night he hung himself. What he did recall was being in the kitchen holding a dishtowel over a dish and continually making circles over the dish. It felt as if he were in a trance. The reality of where he was and who was in the house was gone. He explained how he felt trapped, as if the walls were closing in. All he could focus on was getting out. Still in a trancelike state, he walked down the basement steps, went to a utility drawer, and took out a rope. He threw the rope over a beam and gradually tied a knot. He then carefully stepped up on a chair and slowly put the noose around his neck. At that moment, there was no other human existence in his mind. All he knew was that he had to get out before the walls closed in and he suffocated. He stepped off the chair.

The next thing he knew there was a bright light surrounding him, and he was held in the arms of his mother. He thought his pain would be over, but his mind was still heavy. In the distance he could hear Britney’s screams, and he wanted to jump up and help her, but the spirit of his mother held him down. She whispered in his ear, “My darling Danny, you can’t fix this. You are dead.”

This is one of the many inspirational stories, “Healing the Heart of Grief.” Can’t wait!!