Heaven Is a Place of Love Not Judgment.

pexels-photo-2397361Through the years of working as a medium, I have sat with many parents who have experienced the death of a child because of suicide. In my new book, Healing the Heart of Grief, the spirit of a young man shared his story after death. Here is an excerpt from his story.

When he arrived in Heaven, he was greeted with love, but there was a sense of disappointment. His angels told him that before he was born, he had agreed to meet all his challenges and had promised to overcome his misfortunes. Before birth he had agreed to face a difficult life so his soul could grow. Instead of honoring his pre-life commitment, he could only see himself as a victim, ending his life before he understood his lessons. This was discussed without any judgment, just facts. He pulled his mother’s soul down because of the way he ended his life. If his mother could find a way to pull herself up and find the triumph in their lives together, he would not have to add her karma to his own. He asked me to beg his mother to please help him to move on. I repeated his words as he pleaded, “Don’t take on the guilt that you had no control over. You can’t understand what it was like for me to get through each day. Please forgive me and be happy that I am not in pain any longer.”