What is the Difference Between a Psychic Medium and a Spiritual Medium?

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There is really no difference between a psychic medium and a spiritual medium except the wording that the medium chooses. As long as the word “medium” is part of the title, the reading should consist of communication from the spirits of dead loved ones. However, there is definitely a difference between a psychic and a medium.

Psychics perceive and mediums receive. All mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums. Psychics use the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. They gather information from their spirit guides and tune into the energy of the person being read. This enables them to interpret their past, present and perhaps view an insight into their future.

Mediums take it a step further. They have a stronger connection with the spirit of a loved one. The medium is able to give detailed evidence to demonstrate that they are connecting with a specific spirit. The medium does not provide predictions or give interpretation of love and finance. The purpose of the medium is to let his or her clients know that their deceased loved one is still a part of their life and to provide closure and healing.

I consider myself a spiritual medium because in my readings I try to bring forth a spiritual aspect of life and death. Readings are an incredible way to find comfort and to know that your loved one is safe and at peace. When spirit speaks through me, it is to heal grief or answer questions that linger in the mind of my client. I do not focus on a psychic or a prophetic reading even though many clients have later shared with me that during a reading the spirit of their loved one had given them advice on choices that will become part of their future and to their amazement these predictions have come true. As I have always said, “I am only as good as the dead person I am talking too.”

I am the communicator between two worlds, from the spirit of your loved one to you. I know my path is to give proof that life is eternal and to awaken you to a spiritual understanding.