Choose Hope Not Fear

pink moon
Native Americans call the March full moon the Worm Moon. They use the moon to track the seasons and prepare themselves for the work that needs to be done in order to survive. My interpretation of the Worm Moon is that it is time to nourish oneself just as the worm nourishes the soil. During the time of March’s Worm Moon we started to hear frightening stories of the Coronavirus, and shortly after we were asked to distance ourselves from others. It brought forth a time to go within, to let go all that is not needed in order to nurture ourselves.

In this time of uncertainty we must pull together to awaken the hope in each of us. Instead of allowing the fear to envelop us we must try to surrender and let it pass. By choosing hope instead of fear we can allow our bodies to become strong. Fear weakens the soul and the immune system, but hope lifts our spirits. Think of this as hibernation for humanity and a time to go within. This is our opportunity to slow down and find the positive and the beauty. As we sit in silence we will find our true belonging with ourselves, each other, and all life. As Maya Angelou has said, “Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.”

We can look forward to the April Full Moon, which is called The Pink Moon. This moon symbolizes the sprouting of seeds. The pink phlox was one of the first flowers to bloom with the arrival of Spring. Let us create a shelter in love and hope so we can sprout new seeds in our souls and we can look forward to a new beginning.