Connecting with the Essence of your Loved One

A question that I am asked over and over again is, “Why in my time of need do I not feel the spirit of my loved one watching over me?” First I would like to say that your loved ones are watching over you. What I would like to talk about in this blog is how you can receive verification that they are trying to connect. For me to convince you that they are near is not my point; my focus instead is to allow you to receive their messages.

All souls have a spectrum of frequencies or what we call vibrations. Even while in the physical body, you can work on raising the frequency of your soul. As you raise the frequency of your soul, you will easily join with the higher frequency in which the spirit of your loved one dwells. How to raise your vibrational frequency? Have an open mind, a mind that is free from fear, judgment and, most of all, an agenda. Surrender in prayer. Stop trying to control what you believe the outcome should be. Fill your thoughts with trust, peace, joy, love and acceptance. Stop the mental fight and surrender the outcome to a higher power. As if you were drowning, stop struggling and allow yourself to float. And as you float, be grateful that the struggle is over, and in this state of bliss, the communication will happen. As you practice this form of surrender, not only your mind but your whole being will be filled with the essence of your loved one.

As your frequency starts to change, you will begin to see the world around you in an uplifting way, and you will attract people with the same vibration. Together you will become a support system of hope. When this happens, you will start to view the world as if you were viewing it from Spirit. The gates of communication will open, and you will truly know that you have connected with your loved one’s spirit.

When I was writing my book Healing the Heart of Grief, I was fortunate to meet the spirit of a horse named Danny. Throughout the year he has given me many wonderful messages. Here is one I would like to share. “As a horse in life, I experienced fear and confinement. Not that humans ever meant me harm, it was just their way to keep me safe. What I have learned in spirit from my wild Mustang brothers is that I had the choice to look at my confined box and my small, grassed area as my endless world. If only at that time I had had the wisdom of my wild brothers… but instead I learned only the constrictions of mere survival. As I now run free in my heavenly pastures, I realize this is what life was supposed to be. My pastures were always endless, and my joy and excitement were the search for my next blade of grass. Remember the teachings of the wild brothers and that you too can run free. When you open your mind, you will no longer be in that confined box.”