We Are One

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Today I was ready to post a new blog, but during meditation I was asked by my spirit guide to change the blog and repost part of an old blog. When I read the older blog, I understood why she would asked this.

Years ago when I first started giving readings, I did not start out as a medium. I evolved into that role.

I began working with my spirit guide, Heik, while doing spiritual readings. I wanted to help people meet their angels and spirit guides so they could understand their path on Earth. I was working with an older woman who asked me, “Will my daughter stay with the black man?” I understood her question, but when I looked to Heik for my answer, she looked confused. She asked me “What is a black man? Does that mean he is a man with dark energy?” What I came to realize in that second was that Heik did not see the color of skin. I was not able to answer my client’s question but was able to finish our session. After the session I went into a meditation to explain to Heik that when we incarnate into a physical body, that body has different skin tones and varieties of features. She told me “We in spirit do not see your body. We see your energy, so the color of your skin is not seen. If you have negative thoughts, you tend to hold darker energy than those who have positive thoughts. Each soul holds a vibratory rate, and the vibratory rate determines brightness. If you walk around feeling fear and hate, your soul is darkened. If you choose to be a vessel of love, your soul is brilliant. At death that level of brightness travels with you.

Before birth we choose our life’s journey, a journey that will advance our soul. We choose our parents, partners, our country and even our skin color. This journey is not for simple fun but to learn the depths of love. We have to ask ourselves if we are radiating a bright, beautiful soul of love or have we darkened it by the negative thoughts of fear, hate and judgment. Most of us have accepted a soul that has a mediocre lumination, but we have the power during this lifetime to advance our soul. The view from the heavens is that we live in a world that is blanketed by fear. Skin color is irrelevant. It is the fear, hate and judgment that darken our world, but we have the power to change it one person at a time. If we took time to develop our intuition and look deeply at the soul of the people around us, we would not have racism but instead would find unconditional love. We would shed karma and our souls would accelerate to one day become one with God.

Thich Nhat Hanh says that there are only two basic emotions, fear and love. Let’s choose love. Take time to pray for all the suffering that is happening today. Take extra time to focus on our black brothers and sisters who are facing injustice and turmoil. Feel the hand of spirit reaching out to you, offering you brightness. Take hold of this hand and be a beacon of light!