Near Death

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I was amazed by a recent session, and in this blog I would like to share it with you. A client recently came to see me with this story. About one year ago, she took an overdose of pills in an attempt to commit suicide. When her lifeless body was found, she was rushed to the hospital even though she showed no signs of life.

But, once there, her heart started beating, and she was put on life support. She eventually woke up but needed many weeks of rehab due to mild brain damage. She was very confused by what had happened to her when she was lifeless and wanted me to help her figure things out.

I immediately saw the spirit of a young man standing next to her, smiling. He told me to tell her that she did the right thing by choosing life. It had not been her time. His path was different, and he had chosen death. He explained to me that his death was an accident, but he was so unhappy in life that the peace and love he feels now in spirit have brought him the understanding that his choice was right for him. He wants me to explain to her that he always loved her, but his problem was that he could not love himself. He also wanted me to tell her “thank you” for helping his daughter.

With those words, she started to cry. She then shared her story. After the death of her boyfriend, she found it impossible to go on with her life. After months of depression, she decided to commit suicide. After she took the overdose of pills, she found herself slowly drifting into a beautiful light. In the light she could see her boyfriend smiling at her. It was the most wonderful experience. She explains that she wanted to run into his arms. But something stopped her, and she heard him say, “It is not your time. You must go back. There is something I need you to do. You must help my daughter.” She reluctantly agreed. Within seconds she felt herself being pulled back into her body. She opened her eyes and later found out that her heart had stopped for 13 minutes, and what had seemed to be a dream was a near-death experience.

After she left rehab, she started to make sense of what happened. She knew her boyfriend had a daughter, but he had not had a relationship with the child. When she investigated the whereabouts of the child, she found out that she indeed needed help. The three-year-old had been placed in foster care because her mother was a drug user who had abused and neglected her. My client did not know how to help her but was determined to keep her promise.

She is now a foster parent for this little girl and loves her. Together they are building a new life. Her question to me was why couldn’t she and her boyfriend build a life for this child together. I asked the spirit of the boyfriend to answer the question. He answered that we all have exit points in life, and he chose to take this one. He was beaten down so much in life, and because of his addictions, he could not truly love another human being unconditionally. Now in spirit, he is learning love, and as he watches the two of them, he is finding a new understanding. This is a karma he will always have to live with and one day he will have to make things right. Maybe the only purpose of life is to love ourselves, love others unconditionally, and radiate the love that we are.