Accepting Change

Welcome to September where we are now feeling the change in temperature. What a difference from the hot summer to the cool winds slowly coming upon us! Change is apparent. This July when everyday it was in the high nineties, the heat seemed never-ending. We felt stuck. That is how life can feel: That we are stuck. But if we hold on long enough, there will be change. Even through our deepest feelings of despair, change will come. I feel that non-permanence is one of the many secrets in life.

I recently spoke to a client of mine from the past and was happy to hear that she is doing well. Years ago when I first met her, she was in a dark place of grief. Her husband had just died, and she was forced to leave her home. She had confided in me that she had thoughts of ending her life. With our sessions and the help of the spirit of her husband, she was able to accept the change and understand that if she persevered, the darkness would pass. When I met her now, her darkness had passed. She told me that she continued the meditations that I taught her and kept the spirit of her husband near, but instead of focusing on her past, she kept herself busy building a new life. She now has a grandchild she spends time with and has moved to a community where she has lots of friends. She explained that life is not wonderful as it once was, but it is good for now.

If you would like to learn how to communicate with the spirits of your loved ones, understand transition and what Heaven is, join me for my “Second Chance to Say Goodbye” workshop on November 2. To learn more, visit my services page at A Second Chance to Say Goodbye.
But for now, be at peace with the changes that come your way.