The Energy of Fall

I love this time of year, the evening sky is all aglow and the setting sun shines upon the colors in the trees. I find as the days are shorter and the nights grow longer, the veil between the physical world and the spirit realm becomes thinner.

We are connected energetically to everything in the universe. So the influence of the moon, the tides, the weather and the seasons all affect the way we can communicate with Spirit. This is the time of the year when it is easiest to bring through messages from Spirit.

The autumn equinox possesses a great significance. It reminds us that we are in tune with the afterlife and that death is simply another part of life. The equilibrium of the day and night serves as a reminder to balance the light and dark within our own lives. At this time of year, many cultures seek to have a deeper interaction with the spirit world through celebrations such as the Day of the Dead, All Saints Day and All Souls’ Day. These celebrations are designed to honor the dead who in many cultures are believed to return to their earthly homes when the veil is thin. Many families construct an altar to the dead in their homes to honor deceased loved ones. The intentions that are created by these days bring us closer to the afterlife.

To create an altar for a loved one: Put the altar in a quiet corner of your home where you like to sit in meditation. The foundation of the altar can be a tray, scarf, marble or wood. You can also use a table or shelf. Place pictures of your loved ones in the center. Add to the altar anything that is special and meaningful to you. You may also want to add crystals, flowers, jewelry, incense or a picture of a religious figure. I love mass cards that I have collected from funerals. I will add a mass card to my altar to represent the spirit of my loved one.

Taking the time to communicate with the spirit of your loved one is a wonderful way to keep your connection.

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