I was amazed by a recent session, and in this blog I would like to share it with you. A client recently came to see me with this story. About one year ago, she took an overdose of pills in an attempt to commit suicide. When her lifeless body was found, she was rushed to the hospital even though she… Read more →
Author: Marianne
We Are One
Today I was ready to post a new blog, but during meditation I was asked by my spirit guide to change the blog and repost part of an old blog. When I read the older blog, I understood why she would asked this. Years ago when I first started giving readings, I did not start out as a medium. I… Read more →
Connecting with the Essence of your Loved One
A question that I am asked over and over again is, “Why in my time of need do I not feel the spirit of my loved one watching over me?” First I would like to say that your loved ones are watching over you. What I would like to talk about in this blog is how you can receive verification… Read more →
Choose Hope Not Fear
Native Americans call the March full moon the Worm Moon. They use the moon to track the seasons and prepare themselves for the work that needs to be done in order to survive. My interpretation of the Worm Moon is that it is time to nourish oneself just as the worm nourishes the soil. During the time of March’s Worm… Read more →
A True Birthday
Through the years of being a spiritual medium, Spirit has taught me that once you cross over, your birthday changes. Spirit does not identify with the date of the arrival on earth any longer. However, the love and memories that you feel will always remain familiar to Spirit and are sent through the dimensions on this special day. Before each… Read more →
A New Year of Spritual Growth and Magic
As we enter into the New Year it is very easy to fall into the habit of complaining about the past year and wondering if it will ever get better. Try not to focus on the negative events and allow yourself to wash them away from your memory. Instead, find gratitude for even the smallest thing that happened this past… Read more →
A Gift For The Holidays
The month of December can be a joyous time, but for many the days are filled with stress, sadness and grief. Take time for yourself this holiday season. My new book Healing the Heart of Grief is uplifting, comforting, and informative. It will touch your heart, inspire your soul, and remind you that the spirit of your loved one is… Read more →
Healing the Heart of Grief
For the past seven years, I have been gathering stories of hope from my clients, but also and more importantly, I have received messages from the spirits of those who have passed on, messages that have helped my clients heal knowing that there is no death. In February 2018, I began writing the book that would tell the healing stories… Read more →
An Analogy of a Soul Relationship
For the past two years, I have been writing my second book, Healing the Heart of Grief, Stories of Hope from the Afterlife. The book is finally in production and I am hopeful that it will be released by October 31st. I would like to take this opportunity to share an excerpt from my first book, A Second Chance to… Read more →
What is the Difference Between a Psychic Medium and a Spiritual Medium?
There is really no difference between a psychic medium and a spiritual medium except the wording that the medium chooses. As long as the word “medium” is part of the title, the reading should consist of communication from the spirits of dead loved ones. However, there is definitely a difference between a psychic and a medium. Psychics perceive and mediums… Read more →