Suicide: Heaven or Hell

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In the past year, working as a spiritual medium has put me in contact with many more clients who have experienced the death of a loved one. I am constantly asked if these deaths are due to the COVID-19 virus, and my answer is, “No.” Most of the spirits that have recently communicated with me had died by suicide.

Suicide is extremely difficult for the loved ones left behind. All death is difficult, but suicide usually has guilt packed on to the emotion of grief. In this blog I will explain that there is no punishment of hell. Hell is an illusion integrated into some religions in order to control the actions of individuals.

What really happens is that each soul has an understanding of life on Earth before it incarnates into a physical body. With this understanding, the soul has been schooled for the difficulties of life. But when life presents these difficulties with physical and mental pain in a material world, the challenges begin.

If one chooses suicide, the soul is not met with the fires of Hell but instead with love and compassion. His or her spirit guides and angels may be somewhat disappointed but totally accepting of the choice to leave the physical body.

The difficult journey for these souls is the pain and suffering that they caused the loved ones left on Earth. If you have lost someone to suicide, instead of drowning yourself in suffering and guilt, try to focus on the soul of your loved one as he sheds the pain he felt on Earth. Take time to meditate and feel her soul wrapped in God’s Universal love as your souls come together to heal.

In my first book, A Second Chance to Say Goodbye, I explain suicide in depth, and in my latest book, Healing the Heart of Grief, I dedicate a chapter to guilt. Both books are available on my website at