Healing Through Understanding

As I sit and reflect on my day, I come to the realization that I am amazed by my clients. My clients are truly my teachers. Even after so many years of being a medium, I still am able to learn so much about life through the understanding of death.

Today I had two clients, the first whom I will call Peggy. During Peggy’s session, the first loved one to come through was her father followed by her grandparents. Then Peggy became uncomfortable as if she were waiting for someone else. As I continued to focus, I saw a young man standing there. He introduced himself to me as Peggy’s son. Peggy started sobbing and kept repeating the word, “Why.” Peggy’s son told me to tell his mom that he was sorry, but he could not continue in life.

He begged her to understand that he is finally at peace, but he still needs her to accept his choice. He needs her to be okay. The more he tried to explain, the more she cried. My heart felt her pain, but my soul felt her son’s frustration. She explained to me that she was supposed to save him. She tried to help him, but instead he fell deeper and deeper into depression. As she sobbed, all she could say was that she had failed as a mother. Unfortunately, Peggy was so deep into grief, guilt, regret and despair that she could not feel the love that her son had for her. His soul desperately needs her not only to forgive him but to forgive herself.

My next client I will call Ann. During Ann’s session, I saw the spirit of a young man jump in very quickly. All I could think was, “Oh no, not another death of a son.” But to my surprise this situation was very different. I softly asked Ann if her son was in spirit, and her answer was, “Yes.” He told me to tell her that he was now well. Ann smiled and said, “I know.” She told me that they struggled for years trying to heal his depression, but nothing helped. He just could not function on this earth. She explained that there is not a moment that goes by that she does not miss him, but as long as he has found peace, she will be fine until they are together again. I could feel this amazing connection that death has not ended. For the rest of our session, Ann’s son kept bringing to me many spirits, some family, some friends. It was like a reunion. He was so funny and lighthearted just as he once was long ago in life. Ann thanked me for reassuring her that he was healed.

I realized that both young men, approximately the same age, both committed suicide yet each was having a different death experience. The experience revolved around the people left behind. The first boy tried so hard to explain to his mother that none of it was her fault and this was his journey, but unfortunately she could not understand. Even in death he feels he has disappointed his mother and is still causing her pain. Peggy has made another appointment, and I am hopeful that her son, through me, will help her find acceptance, so both can find peace and a new connection. Ann, however, understands that this was her son’s choice, and it has nothing to do with her. She knows how hard he tried in life, yet nothing changed. She understands that he will now figure things out in heaven. She will support his process while living on Earth. Before she left, she did ask him for one thing: That he continue to show her signs and stay by her side.

Together, the stories of these two clients were such a reminder that souls are intertwined even after death. Healing is so important and includes coming to terms with how one left this earth, a process that is essential in order to develop your new relationship.