A Message from Mom

During my childhood, December was always a wonderful month. My mother loved Christmas. Christmas Eve was her birthday, so all the family gathered at our house. My father sold Christmas trees, and my mother spent her days joyfully preparing for Christmas. She shopped and shopped, sent Christmas cards, baked cookies and decorated the house. I was always by her side; I was her helper.
As the years went on, her Christmas tree became smaller, yet the house was still decorated. Even though her Christmas card list became shorter, she still sent her cards. Her batches of cookies became smaller, but still she baked. Most of our family members had died, but those who were left gathered around her on Christmas Eve until she died.

My mother died in my home on December 11, 2012, so December has become a bittersweet time for me. The other day when I was cleaning my house and getting ready to decorate, I could feel a blanket of sadness cover me. I missed my mother. I stood and embraced my feelings, and within that minute, a picture fell from the shelf. As I looked at it on the floor, I saw the frame had opened. I kneeled to put it back together and then realized it was my mother’s picture. As I laid the picture back into the frame, I noticed that there was something written on the back of the picture. She had written me a message in hopes that I would find it at the right time. This was truly a sign and given to me at the ideal moment. It was dated 8/4/06.

The message read:
To my Daughter with love.
I love you always.
May God bless you and keep you in his care.
Forever, Mom

Wishing you love and peace and the warm connection with spirit this holiday season.