Center of the Soul

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I truly apologize for being so silent and not sharing a February blog. It has been a rough start to this New Year. When I experience the bumps in the road of life, I have to step back and find the stillness that is within my soul.

Stillness is so important if we are to find our place in the present moment. There is a luminous sanctuary, a refuge,
inside each of us. No one else controls our access to this peaceful place. Within your soul is the knowledge of countless lifetimes, but to benefit, you must first step into the stillness. When I want to be fully present and in touch with my deepest self, this is where I start. Be still. Breathe deeply. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes, Focus on your breath and send out the intention “I am open to be guided.” Tune out the noise of the world and the chatter of your mind as you breathe in and out. Silently repeat “I am love, I am peace” as a mantra.

When I sit in this stillness, the heaviness starts to melt away. It is as if my soul has many heavy icicles and, as the light of my soul shines, each icicle melts away. I feel free. I am then able to focus on what is truly important: My work and my clients. Being able to help each and every one of you heal.

I was brought back to an image of a child who was the son of my very first client. His message to his mother was for her to remember the joy they shared because when she cried, he felt sad. His mother thanked me and told me that she will try not to cry so much but instead to celebrate their life together. Before she walked out the door, she turned to me and said that this session had changed her life. At that moment, I knew that being a medium was my path. A few days after this memory, while giving messages at a restaurant, a spirit of a child around the same age stood in the distance and gave the same messages to his grieving mother. Again, I realized how important my work is and that I cannot let the bumps in life pull me from my path.

Each of us has an important soul job, but we let life get in our way. Connect with the center of your soul. In this place you will find your peace and the love from the spirit of your loved ones. Be open to the insights that come through. By accessing this place of peace, the spirits will help to direct you to your true path. You will then be able to accept the changing and turbulent waves of life.