A New Year

At this time of the year, everyone is considering the dramatic changes that they can make in their lives for the new year. I prefer going down a path of wonder, hope and possibilities for my soul. When I focus on my outer world, I set myself up for disappointment.

We must remember that when our time on Earth ends and our soul moves on to the afterlife, our New Year’s resolutions won’t really matter. What will matter is the changes that we made to empower others and to deepen our spiritual life.

During a reading, the spirit of a father told his son that when he was alive, instead of wishing for more money and a better job, his New Year’s resolution should have been to tell his son how much he loved him. He explained that when he died, his comfortable life was not important. During his soul review, he felt the harsh words he had said to his son. He told me to tell his son that he was sorry. He hopes that his son’s New Year’s resolution will be to be a kinder and more thoughtful person. His son thanked me and was very appreciative that his father finally acknowledged his behavior. He certainly did not want to repeat his father’s mistakes.

Each year I ask myself how I can deepen my spiritual life. Fall in love with silence. Stop looking for distractions. Stepping out of the busyness of life, stopping the endless drive to be somewhere else, being in the moment: these are the most glorious New Year’s resolutions that we can make to the soul. Go inward and allow Spirit to guide you.

Hove a blessed beginning to this new year