Mother’s Day Memories

May is a month that is dedicated to celebrate our mothers. During my sessions many times the spirits bring the memories back to a day when they felt special. They don’t choose our calendar dates any longer, but instead the days that they felt loved. Those who are alive tend to focus on special holidays.

My mother loved Mother’s Day. She had her rituals, and they were what the family followed. She was very religious and felt going to church to honor Jesus’ mother Mary was very important. My mother got dressed up for church, and throughout the Mass she proudly held my hand. The priest gave out flowers to all the mothers, which brought my mother joy.

As the years went on and I became a mother, I still made Mother’s Day special for her. As I look back, there was one Mother’s Day in particular.  We all dressed up and went to church. As I stood next to her, I now watched my daughter take her hand. The priest read a poem which he dedicated to the mother’s of the past. As I listen to the poem, I glanced up at my mother and could see the age in her face. I took her other hand and knew that one day this poem would be dedicated to her. I would like to share this poem with my mother and all the mothers who have crossed over.

Do not stand at my grave and weep,

I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am in a thousand winds that blow, 

I am the softly falling snow. 

I am the gentle showers of rain, 

I am the fields of ripening grain.

I am in the morning hush, 

I am in the graceful rush 
of beautiful birds in circling flight,

I am the starshine of the night. 

I am in the flowers that bloom,

I am in a quiet room. 

I am in the birds that sing, 

I am in each lovely thing.

Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.
Author unknown


Crossroads of Life

Living our day to day lives is not always easy. We may question if we are living our true paths. During a session, there are many times a client will ask Spirit about her life path. I am not sure that there is only one path. I feel that, throughout our lives, we walk many paths and stand at countless crossroads. I have also come to realize that it is not only the path we walk but the love that is in our hearts that is important.

When a client questions Spirit about his path, the common answer is not to describe the exact road but instead to choose the path he can walk with love in his heart. Even if this seems to be the more challenging way, the journey will be filled with peace. If you are standing at a crossroad asking about a divorce, leaving a job, moving or any other life-changing situation, take a moment to contemplate. The path of continuation may seem much easier, yet it is filled with sadness, anger and despair. The other path may seem harder because of the fear unfamiliarity can cause, but underneath it is blanketed with peace and love.

In one of my sessions, my client asked the spirit of her father what to do about her aging mother. Should she put her in a nursing home against her wishes or find a way to care for her in the comforts of her home? The answer the father gave to her was that honoring her mother’s wishes would be wonderful only if she could care for her daily with love and acceptance of her aging body; otherwise, moving her to a nursing home would be kinder. The father explained that, if she honored her mother’s wishes but felt victimized on this path, at the end of this journey, she would only feel regret. She must choose the path that would bring her love and fulfillment but also allow her mother to be cared for with respect.

Another client asked the spirit of her grandmother if she was making the right decisions. Her grandmother showed me an image of a crossroad. On the left it was dark and rocky. On the right the beginning of the path was empty but full of fresh dirt. As I looked down this path, I could see flowers starting to grow, and in the distance I could see beautiful flowers. Her grandmother explained that the left path is a continuation of the path that she is on. If she has the courage to move to the right, she will eventually find peace, fulfillment and the beauty that is hers. My client shared with me that she was considering a divorce.

As you are standing at the crossroads of life, choose to walk the path that makes your soul shine.

Center of the Soul

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I truly apologize for being so silent and not sharing a February blog. It has been a rough start to this New Year. When I experience the bumps in the road of life, I have to step back and find the stillness that is within my soul.

Stillness is so important if we are to find our place in the present moment. There is a luminous sanctuary, a refuge,
inside each of us. No one else controls our access to this peaceful place. Within your soul is the knowledge of countless lifetimes, but to benefit, you must first step into the stillness. When I want to be fully present and in touch with my deepest self, this is where I start. Be still. Breathe deeply. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes, Focus on your breath and send out the intention “I am open to be guided.” Tune out the noise of the world and the chatter of your mind as you breathe in and out. Silently repeat “I am love, I am peace” as a mantra.

When I sit in this stillness, the heaviness starts to melt away. It is as if my soul has many heavy icicles and, as the light of my soul shines, each icicle melts away. I feel free. I am then able to focus on what is truly important: My work and my clients. Being able to help each and every one of you heal.

I was brought back to an image of a child who was the son of my very first client. His message to his mother was for her to remember the joy they shared because when she cried, he felt sad. His mother thanked me and told me that she will try not to cry so much but instead to celebrate their life together. Before she walked out the door, she turned to me and said that this session had changed her life. At that moment, I knew that being a medium was my path. A few days after this memory, while giving messages at a restaurant, a spirit of a child around the same age stood in the distance and gave the same messages to his grieving mother. Again, I realized how important my work is and that I cannot let the bumps in life pull me from my path.

Each of us has an important soul job, but we let life get in our way. Connect with the center of your soul. In this place you will find your peace and the love from the spirit of your loved ones. Be open to the insights that come through. By accessing this place of peace, the spirits will help to direct you to your true path. You will then be able to accept the changing and turbulent waves of life.

Feel the Love

As I teach my clients to feel the presence of the spirit of a loved one, I repeat the phrase, “Feel the Love.” What I have come to realize is that feeling the love of something that is abstract is not always easy. Because I am used to the transfer of my energy into the spiritual realm, I am able to feel a divine love. As a result, I have crossed over that inner bridge that divides the rational mind from the irrational nature of the soul. I no longer search for proof of the Divine. My life is now a journey of deepening my experience to this connection.

Our five-sensory nature craves physical contact and proof of feeling loved. Most people have difficulty believing they are loved by another human being, so how can they possibly trust, much less believe, they are loved by some invisible Being. It certainly makes no sense to the rational mind. I belief that we are wired to communicate with the higher realms but our love of all things intellectual and rational has become more of a hindrance than we realize or even think about. We have learned to fear what is not seen or what is unfamiliar to us. If you can let go of past beliefs and fears, and trust, even for a moment, that you will connect to the true nature of the soul, you will begin your journey to a higher realm.

In this blog I want to give you the first step in creating a state of being so you can experience the love from a higher divine spirit. The desire to connect with the spirit of a loved one will help you deepen your connection and begin your spiritual journey.

The first step is “being in the moment.” As you go through your day, take time to be aware of your surroundings. Focus on the now. Pay attention to the small things, especially the things that bring you joy. Through the joy you will start to feel the love. For example, a child running into your arms, the way your pet looks into your eyes or the warmth of the sun touching your face.

These little exercises will program your mind to learn how to be free from useless thoughts. When these unproductive thoughts start to disappear, even for a moment, the sensation of love will triumph.

Next month I will talk about creating affirmations that will help you feel the love.


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During the month of December, I try not to focus on the busyness of the holidays and all the drama of the family gatherings. Instead, I reflect on the cycle of nature, the Solstice. There is a spiritual message that is shared to us during the celebration of the ending of the dark nights and the return of the light. Birth will always follow death. Life will be renewed after the winter, and spring brings the promise of a new beginning. We are destined to travel through the dark, but we always arrive at the light.

This celebration of light is truly an outpouring of love, grace and power which renews our connection to the breath of life itself. This is why the Solstice, the return to light, is so important.

If we take time to connect on the darkest night of the year, our universal light of tomorrow and the sacred illumination within our lives will be renewed.

Wishing you the magic of the Solstice.

Letting Go of Spirit Expectations on the Holidays

Susan was trying to come to terms with her decision about the upcoming holidays. She contacted me to communicate with the spirit of her mother. Lucy had died four years ago, and for the last three years, Susan took it upon herself to follow her mother’s traditions. Lucy loved the holidays and spent an enormous amount of time creating special memories. Susan, as the elder of five siblings, felt it was her responsibility to carry out her mother’s love for the holidays.

The first year was great. The family gathered around the table. They enjoyed the food, the decorations and all that Mom would have done. The second year, her siblings were somewhat resistant but still came together. The third year, even more so. Now Dad has a new lady friend and wants to spend part of the holiday with her family. Susan’s siblings have expressed that they want to celebrate with their children and grandchildren. Susan feels hurt and believes that they are betraying her mother.

During our session Lucy’s spirit came quickly to communicate with Susan. Lucy did not feel upset about her family’s lack of enthusiasm about getting together during the holiday. What was sorrowful for Lucy was that her beloved daughter was so troubled. Lucy explained to Susan that it was normal for everyone’s life to continue. Even when life goes on, the memories will always be there, and Susan must now allow her family to create their own traditions.

When the session came to a close, Susan told me that even though that was not the answer she wanted from her mother, she felt a sense of relief. She did not have to live in her mother’s shoes any longer. She will still hold her mother’s traditions and whoever wants to join will do so without any expectations. She will even extend the invitation to friends.

It is so important to understand that your loved ones in spirit do not hold any expectations of you. It may even be important for you to start a new spirit relationship in your holiday rituals. Take time from the bustle of the holidays to take a quiet moment to feel your loved one’s presence. Meditate and let the spirit of the people who have shaped your life in.

Saying Goodbye

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There are many aspects of my work as a spiritual medium. Although all areas of my work are gratifying, I feel very blessed when I am able to spend time with the dying. Millie invited me to her house because she was terminally ill and wanted to find comfort in her final days. She was not sure when she would die but knew her body was growing weaker. She had many questions about her transition and who would be waiting for her on the other side.

After her reading, it was very clear to her that she had many loved ones waiting to greet her on the other side, especially her husband who had died eight years earlier. Her husband gave her such specific information that by the end of our session, Millie felt great comfort. Before I left, I promised her that I would be back to check in on her. I went back several times. The first few times, Millie told me all about her past. In every story there was joy and laughter, but some stories were shaded in sorrow. At the age of eighty-six, Millie had lived a full life.

The last few times that I saw Millie, I suggested to her that we not talk of the past any longer but instead focus on the now. I explained to Millie that our visits will soon become part of our past, and I did not want to miss the time we had together.

Millie loved autumn. She loved the flowers, the coolness in the air and the smells of fall. We sat on her porch, taking notice of the changing season. Millie’s neighbors knew that she loved mums, so these friends dropped off beautiful mums on her porch. We took notice of the love that radiated from each visitor. As we sat there, we talked about the different colors within each flower. We looked out at her front yard, watched the beauty of the sky and found images in the clouds. I explained to Millie that these experiences are so very important because these will be her last images as her physical life comes to completion. These moments are no less important than the memories of long ago but instead hold the comfort of sitting together in the here and now. To be free of time is to be free of the psychological need of the past.

I received a call this morning that Millie died peacefully last night. Her death came long before her illness brought her pain and suffering. The last days that we spent together held a profound transformation of consciousness for both Millie and me. In Millie’s case this shift in consciousness happened so dramatically that she was able to let go. It is so important to see the beauty that surrounds us even in our darkest moments.

When I hung up the phone, I took a few moments to close my eyes. I could see Millie’s smiling face, and within this moment I was able to say goodbye.

Suicide: Heaven or Hell

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In the past year, working as a spiritual medium has put me in contact with many more clients who have experienced the death of a loved one. I am constantly asked if these deaths are due to the COVID-19 virus, and my answer is, “No.” Most of the spirits that have recently communicated with me had died by suicide.

Suicide is extremely difficult for the loved ones left behind. All death is difficult, but suicide usually has guilt packed on to the emotion of grief. In this blog I will explain that there is no punishment of hell. Hell is an illusion integrated into some religions in order to control the actions of individuals.

What really happens is that each soul has an understanding of life on Earth before it incarnates into a physical body. With this understanding, the soul has been schooled for the difficulties of life. But when life presents these difficulties with physical and mental pain in a material world, the challenges begin.

If one chooses suicide, the soul is not met with the fires of Hell but instead with love and compassion. His or her spirit guides and angels may be somewhat disappointed but totally accepting of the choice to leave the physical body.

The difficult journey for these souls is the pain and suffering that they caused the loved ones left on Earth. If you have lost someone to suicide, instead of drowning yourself in suffering and guilt, try to focus on the soul of your loved one as he sheds the pain he felt on Earth. Take time to meditate and feel her soul wrapped in God’s Universal love as your souls come together to heal.

In my first book, A Second Chance to Say Goodbye, I explain suicide in depth, and in my latest book, Healing the Heart of Grief, I dedicate a chapter to guilt. Both books are available on my website at

A Second Chance to Say Goodbye

In 2002, I published my first book, A Second Chance to Say Goodbye. I was able to find guidance and gather information with the help of the spirit world. Through the years so much has changed, yet the message of this book remains the same.

In twenty years, my life has changed in many ways. I was divorced and raised two wonderful children as a single mother. I took care of my mother as her health declined, and I sat by her bedside as she died.

What has stayed the same is my dedication to Spirit. My path is to teach the understanding that there is no death and to heal those who are grieving. The soul and the connection you share with those you love does not die. As a medium, I have sat at the bedside of the dying and been privileged to watch the celebration of the world beyond as the soul rises in love and light and then is embraced by his or her spirit family.

Recently, I took a trip to North Carolina to drop my son off at college. While there, I took a few days to sit by the water and enjoy the warmer weather. My friend Barbara had been urging me to re-read A Second Chance To Say Goodbye with the hope that I would release a second edition. Because of the suffering in this world, she felt its information was once again needed. This was the perfect time to re-read my book. By the time I finished reading it, I realized Barbara was right.

I sat and reflected on the world around me, a world that is caught in a pandemic with death all around us. The fear of death and the fear of losing a loved one and never getting the chance to say goodbye are overwhelming us. Although I felt that I needed to update parts of the book, I realized that the message of this book is needed more than ever.

If you have been fortunate to sit by the bedside of your loved one and watch her transition into the light, know that she knew you were next to her and heard your goodbyes. If goodbyes could not be said, know they were understood. For those who were not with their loved one at the time of death, whether because of a sudden death or visitation restrictions, know your loved one was not alone. The spirits of their loved ones were there to help in the transition and lead their souls into the light.

During the pandemic I have spoken to many people whose loved one was quarantined at the moment of death. Their guilt was overwhelming because they imagined that their loved one had died alone. But when I listened to the stories told by the spirits, there was a common thread. The one who was dying was never alone. Someone sat with them. Whether it was a deceased spouse, parent or child, someone was there. It was also very common that the spirit of a pet sat close, waiting for the last breath. When the last breath came, the spirit was set free, and a blanket of love was sent from above to those left behind to grieve. During my sessions I help my clients feel this blanket of love, and in this book I will give you the tools and the understanding to also feel this connection.

The message of this book remains the same: “Death is the end of a life but not of a relationship.” The relationship between souls does not die but instead continues through time and space. I share the second edition of this book with you with an open heart, with my deepest hope that you can truly have your second chance to say goodbye.

To purchase: A Second Chance to Say Goodbye-Second Edition, visit

Clearing the Energy

Everything in our creation, seen and unseen, is made up of energy. People, animals, plants, thoughts and words are all part of our energy. When you connect with someone or even think about a person, a small part of your energy is surrendered. At the same time, some of their energy is projected onto you which can weigh you down. If you allow your energy to be depleted, you will feel the effects in your physical body. In order to feel totally whole again, it is important to create a daily ritual, to cleanse your energy field.

What creates negative or heavy energy? Thoughts. As humans, negative thoughts sneak into our minds. It is important for us to be aware of our thoughts and transmute negative to loving and compassionate feelings.

Fortunately, it is not hard to clear your energy. As a spiritual medium, I am very aware of energy. Each day, I clear my own energy field, my office and my home. First of all, if you feel negative about a person or a situation, come to a realization that this is only your perspective. Initially, honor the way you feel and then quickly surrender the negative and replace it with prayers of gratitude. If someone is negative towards you, cover your solar plexus with your hand and repeat silently, “What is not mine, be gone.” Afterwards, send loving thoughts their way.

Each morning during my shower, I picture that the water is white light coming out of the faucet, coming down from the heavens and cleansing my energy, washing away all negativity and releasing it down the drain. Afterwards, you will feel much lighter and brighter. In the evening I dab the center of my forehead, referred to as your third eye, with sage oil. This helps clear your energy for a restful sleep. Once a week, I sage each room in my home, asking for the white light to surround it.

I am so glad you are reading this blog, and I don’t think it is a coincidence. If you have been feeling stuck, drained of energy or weighed down, implementing these rituals into your life will make a tremendous difference. Remember, the past year has been filled will negative energy. It is now your right to heal.