May is a month that is dedicated to celebrate our mothers. During my sessions many times the spirits bring the memories back to a day when they felt special. They don’t choose our calendar dates any longer, but instead the days that they felt loved. Those who are alive tend to focus on special holidays. My mother loved Mother’s Day. She… Read more →
Crossroads of Life
Living our day to day lives is not always easy. We may question if we are living our true paths. During a session, there are many times a client will ask Spirit about her life path. I am not sure that there is only one path. I feel that, throughout our lives, we walk many paths and stand at countless… Read more →
Center of the Soul
I truly apologize for being so silent and not sharing a February blog. It has been a rough start to this New Year. When I experience the bumps in the road of life, I have to step back and find the stillness that is within my soul. Stillness is so important if we are to find our place in the… Read more →
Feel the Love
As I teach my clients to feel the presence of the spirit of a loved one, I repeat the phrase, “Feel the Love.” What I have come to realize is that feeling the love of something that is abstract is not always easy. Because I am used to the transfer of my energy into the spiritual realm, I am able… Read more →
During the month of December, I try not to focus on the busyness of the holidays and all the drama of the family gatherings. Instead, I reflect on the cycle of nature, the Solstice. There is a spiritual message that is shared to us during the celebration of the ending of the dark nights and the return of the light.… Read more →
Letting Go of Spirit Expectations on the Holidays
Susan was trying to come to terms with her decision about the upcoming holidays. She contacted me to communicate with the spirit of her mother. Lucy had died four years ago, and for the last three years, Susan took it upon herself to follow her mother’s traditions. Lucy loved the holidays and spent an enormous amount of time creating special… Read more →
Saying Goodbye
There are many aspects of my work as a spiritual medium. Although all areas of my work are gratifying, I feel very blessed when I am able to spend time with the dying. Millie invited me to her house because she was terminally ill and wanted to find comfort in her final days. She was not sure when she would… Read more →
Suicide: Heaven or Hell
In the past year, working as a spiritual medium has put me in contact with many more clients who have experienced the death of a loved one. I am constantly asked if these deaths are due to the COVID-19 virus, and my answer is, “No.” Most of the spirits that have recently communicated with me had died by suicide. Suicide… Read more →
A Second Chance to Say Goodbye
In 2002, I published my first book, A Second Chance to Say Goodbye. I was able to find guidance and gather information with the help of the spirit world. Through the years so much has changed, yet the message of this book remains the same. In twenty years, my life has changed in many ways. I was divorced and raised… Read more →
Clearing the Energy
Everything in our creation, seen and unseen, is made up of energy. People, animals, plants, thoughts and words are all part of our energy. When you connect with someone or even think about a person, a small part of your energy is surrendered. At the same time, some of their energy is projected onto you which can weigh you down.… Read more →